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All Ending + Good game Well done


thanks for playing!

it is perfect everything 

thanks for playingg!

kenapa begitu bang?

emang gitu liriknya kocak

This game scared me more then id like to admit... 


thanks for playing!



Never have I ever thought there'd be a horror game about instant noodles but I'll take it! It was a really fun and quirky game for me, and I managed to get all 3 of the Endings! Thanks for the game :))

- Kuya Sunset


thanks for playingg:)

What a very silly goofy game about noodles. I loved it.


perfect harika

Ada ind*mie goreng coyyyy

aku cinta indonesia

Very well made game, well done!

ini akun asli developer nya ya bang?


oke bang, utiwi nyobain game nya dah :3

it was fun and short it got me a few times lol i got all 3 endings 

the best noodles


no way is that indomie

This game was very good, i really enjoyed it and even got all the endings as well!

This is amazing!


(1 edit)

You're too funny dude, you're too underrated for these videos!! hope you get famous one day man!

Who was in the bathroom? Starts at 17:50

This was fun! I definitely wasn't expecting the plot twist at the end lol

This Game Cured My Infertility

this game is ublike anything i have ever played in my life. i woukd day. this day i boil noodles and you ate and neft no crumbs. ths gae is the best. this game cured my depression and saved my cat from a house fire and cheers me up whe times are grey. whenever i need someone a sholder to cry on tis game is here for me. this game is my one true friend.i love you and i love needles.



kak, kebetulan aku pengen ngulik game vhs ps1 style gitu, game ini pake engine apa yaa?

pake unity zhariff, semangat

Really good short game for your first game, I enjoyed it, it definitely got me a few times that's for sure haha, also made a video on it if you're interested:

(1 edit) (+1)


My Quote: A water with no house
(1 edit) (+1)


Noodle Killed Everyone 🍜🔪

I thought they would just steal my noodles but the real bad ending was even worse than that xD Nice game

Pensaba que solo me robarían los fideos pero el verdadero final malo fue aún peor que eso xD

Love this gmae! How do we get secret end

sip bro

I won't shopping at night or tell I'm alone or not...


Ngakak bet mendapat secret dialog "Lupa bayar gue bjir" :v



It was really fun, I liked that it had more than just 1 ending. Great job

good job man, this is your first game, it's very good and funny. And I like it.


Sapa yng cita citanya makan mie tengah malem? aku aku


Wah gamenya mantap nih!, aku udah nyelesaikan semua ending2 nya :)

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