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yo W game

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Very good game, fun.



(1 edit) (+1)

I found this game pretty entertaining!!! Love the concept and atmosphere! I put a lot of love into the videos I do please consider watching my play through!

BOIL NOODLES AT NIGHT | The Noodles I Boiled At Night Have A Personal Secret Ingredient!


Nice little game with multiple endings! I had fun!
(1 edit) (+1)

Loved the atmosphere and mood of the game and the fact that there were multiple endings, so there were variations on how it ended :) I loved the silliness of the game too :)


Loved this game! Very interesting atmosphere and aesthetic ando also very creepy history. Good work! 

(My gameplay in Portuguese - BR)


fun, silly, spooky. loved this game. thank you for making and sharing it :o)


no more noodles anymore >( 

loved it


I Accidentally Ate... SOMEONE?! | Boiling Noodles


Interesting game! I enjoyed playing it and I managed to get the secret ending (I was determined to figure it out). Definitely a game worth checking out. I look forward to playing more of your games in the future!

Good Game

nice game how to get secret ending?





I don't appreciate not being able to enjoy my noodles without being scared. :)

Game #2 in the video.

(1 edit) (+2)

Review or something (may contain spoilers):

I think the game was actually pretty dope. I do prefer short horror games over the longer types and I couldnt even tell ya why I just do. Those first two jumpscare? *Chefs Kiss*. The ending jumpscare for the bad ending did not phase me whatsoever. I do think MC should go to the hospital as he just ate two packs of ramen that contains human within them. iirc you can get sick from consuming humans lmfao. All jokes aside, I think if the jumpscare at the end was made scarier this would be a certified hood classic (even tho it kinda already is). I also like how when bro was like "Yeah he right behind you" nothing happens. Nothing creates more dread then experiencing something in game that should have been a jumpscare but actually nothing happens. It sorta makes the player panic a little (even if they dont notice). I didnt vocalize it in the vid but immediately in my mind I was thinking "omg its gonna happen when i start walking", "Bro might chase me and I cant sprint." Things of that nature. All in All I give it a 4.5/5!




Ate noodles, got dead, would repeat again, 10 outta 10


w game

Wow, this short horror game took an ordinary late-night snack run and turned it into a spine-chilling experience! Excited to see more like this!

This Game Was very interesting just that the character had short memory lost forgetting to buy all the ingredients.


It's a short and entertaining game, and most importantly, it manages to be terrifying while still keeping the comedic side. I congratulate the creator and hope for more games like this :D

Creepy game. 


Buen juego conseguí sacar los 3 finales me gusto mucho

I liked it a fun and simple game something I don't see too much of anymore good job.




this game was quite scary but i liked it




pluh my microsoft defender is TWEEAAKING, is there a fix to this


¡Muy bueno! lo disfrute!


Verry Good Game Keep Going


The twist in the bad ending was wild! I was totally not expecting that. It's one of my faves for sure. Arydk, man, you killed it for your first game at 16! Can't wait to check out your other games.

Also, shout out to all my Indonesians, you guys rock! Stay Safe - Disko ❤️

Beware, the audio was bugging out when I recorded this, so it's gonna make me sound all robotic-like XD.

(1 edit) (+1)

I really have fun playing this game <3

It's been a long time since i had so much fun playing game

Good job, i'll always support you ^^


thank you!

bro your games are amazing


W game scared the crap out of me

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